Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment, also known as Endodontic treatment,is a way to save a tooth that has been irreversibly damaged -usually by decay, trauma or infection. The pulp of the tooth is removed, and the remaining canal space is cleaned and shaped. It is then filled and sealed to prevent bacteria from getting back into the root system.

This will allow the natural tooth to remain in the mouth without pain for chewing and for cosmetic reasons. A back tooth will need to be crowned to preserve its strength to reduce the risk of fracture, as the tooth is effectively hollowed out by a root canal treatment.

How successful is Root Canal Treatment?

Studies do vary, but we can expect about a 90% 10 year success rate for teeth undergoing root canal therapy for the first time if an x-ray of the tooth shows there is no visible area of infection around the root tip and there is no evidence of pus draining from the gum.

If there is an area of infection around the tip of the tooth, success rates can vary between 70-80% depending on how big the area is.

Success rates for teeth requiring re-root treatment because of continued infection can vary, but are typically around 70%, or less if there are other unfavourable features.

Factors that influence the success rate of Root Canal Treatment include the skill and experience of the dentist together with materials and equipment used; as well as other factors such as the presence of infection in the root canal system, the complexity of the root canal anatomy and whether the tooth has been root treated in the past.

General Dentists perform root canal treatments regularly, but specialists and dentists who have undertaken further training to Diploma or Masters level in Endodontics exist.  They have more clinical experience in this field and often have specialised high-tech equipment (high magnification microscopes and ultrasonics) to aid them in these procedures. As a result the success rate of their root canal treatment would be higher. They are also better equipped to take on more complex cases which may be beyond the comfort level of a general dentist.

Root Canal Treatment at Nunnery Lane Dental

Root canal treatment is carried out by all dentists at our practice. In addition, Daniel has has an interest in Endodontics and is currently completing his final year of a Masters on Science in Endodontic treatment, which is similar to the training which an Endodontic specialist undertakes. As such he is well placed to deliver root canal treatment to the highest of standards, increasing the likelihood of success of these procedures.

Book An Appointment

To book an appointment simply call 01904 639779 or fill out the form below.