
What are Dentures?

A denture is a removable option for replacing missing teeth. A denture can be used to replace missing teeth where there are some natural teeth remaining, in which case it is called a partial denture, or in the case of a complete denture, can be used to replace all the teeth in the jaw.

When teeth are lost the jaw bone will recede, resulting in a lowered gum line which doesn’t look as nice. A denture can replace both teeth and gum tissue, achieving a nice cosmetic outcome.

A denture can either be made wholly from acrylic or be made partially from acrylic teeth on a metal framework. This is known as a cobalt-chrome denture. An acrylic denture rests on and is supported by the underlying gum during chewing whilst a cobalt-chrome denture rests on the natural teeth. In this instance, biting forces are transmitted to and borne by the remaining teeth.

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To book an appointment simply call 01904 639779 or fill out the form below.