
What is a filling?

A filling is something that a dentist uses to directly repair a hole or a chip in your tooth.

Materials can be thought of as three basic types – Glass Ionomer cements, Composites (Tooth coloured fillings) or Amalgam (Silver fillings).

Glass Ionomer Cements (GIC for short) are white coloured fillings that release fluoride, They are usually used as temporary filling materials to patch decay or fractured teeth, and are then replaced at a future date with something more durable. There are, however, instances where GIC fillings can be used as medium to long term solutions, usually as a compromise, but these fillings will need to be refreshed periodically.

Composite fillings are tooth-coloured fillings which the dentist will match to your teeth using a shade guide. They are good long-term materials and can be used where the dentist is able to maintain good moisture control. They can however pick up surface stains such as from red wine, teas/coffees and smoking, and may need to be re-polished or refreshed from time to time. They tend to last an average of about 8 years.

Amalgam fillings are silver coloured fillings. Dental amalgam has received much attention in recent times for the wrong reasons. The media have at times caused unnecessary concern on this front about its use and safety. Dental amalgam has a proven safety record and is used routinely in dentistry. It has been shown to last an average of about 12 years.

Fillings are used in a variety of situations:

  1. To repair cavities caused by tooth decay, once the decay has been removed by the dentist
  2. To reduce sensitivity and to treat tooth wear. Teeth can be worn due to things like aggressive brushing, using teeth in ways they are not meant to be used, tooth clenching or grinding, or by acid erosion due to things like excessive acid in the diet, or in eating disorders like bulimia. In these situations, the inner layers of teeth (dentine) are exposed and can cause increased sensitivity as well as an increased risk of decay.
  3. Re-treatment where a previous filling has worn away or failed.
  4. Cosmetic reasons – Composite fillings may be used to repair chipped or worn teeth to improve aesthetics, and can also be used in cosmetic bonding procedures to alter the shape and profile of teeth, and to treat specific problems such as gapped front teeth (Diastemas) and black triangles where the gums have receded, usually to a history of gum disease.

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